what would I use in this situation(asp.net mvc 3 display templates)

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I have something like this

public class ViewModel1
   // some properties here
   public List<ViewModel2> ViewModel2 {get; set;}

public class ViewModel2
   public string A {get; set;}
   public string B {get; set;}

// view

     <tr> a </tr>
     <tr> b </tr>
      // want to use a display template to render table row and cells so I don't need to use for loop 

I tried to use "@Html.DisplayForModel()" but that I seems to take the viewModel of the view(so in my case ViewModel1)

I need to make it take ViewModel2 but I don't see any option to pass in ViewModel2(a model object).

I then tried

 @Html.DisplayFor(x => x.ViewModel2)

That did not work to well it just printed out like the first properties value and never even made any cells.

Here is basically my display template

@model ViewModel2


So how can I make this work?


There are 2 best solutions below


Try like this:

        @Html.DisplayFor(x => x.ViewModel2)

and then inside ~/Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/ViewModel2.cshtml:

@model ViewModel2

Notice the name and location of the display template. It is important to respect this convention if you want this to work.


If you REALLY don't want the foreach in your "main" template, you can tag your property with UIHint

public class ViewModel1
   // some properties here
   public List<ViewModel2> ViewModel2 {get; set;}

Then, in DisplayTemplates\ListOfViewModel2.ascx, you put your foreach

@model IList<ViewModel2>

foreach( var m in Model )
    <tr>@Html.DisplayFor(x => m)</tr>

Dont change your DisplayModel for ViewModel2, and in you view, you can call

@Html.DisplayFor(x => x.ViewModel2)