I am trying to build a custom client using Golang for wireguard. I am able to load the wireguard.dll and also create the adaptor, but while setting the configuration, I am getting the error "The parameter is incorrect." Can someone please guide me on how to resolve this issue?

Here is my go struct for the configuration:-

// Struct for all above struct
type Config struct {
    Interface  Interface
    DemoServer Peer
    AllV4      AllowedIP

// This is how i am trying the set the config:
   Config := Config{
        Interface: Interface{
            Flags:     InterfaceHasPrivateKey,
            PeerCount: 1,
        DemoServer: Peer{
            Flags:           PeerHasPublicKey | PeerHasEndpoint,
            AllowedIPsCount: 1,
        AllV4: AllowedIP{

I have tried multiple permutations and combinations to resolve the issue, but I am not able to set the configuration of the adaptor in wireguard.

When I try to set the adaptor configuration in Wireguard Custom Client (Golang), I get the error "The parameter is incorrect." How do I resolve this?


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