When I use tus to upload a video into bunnystream service, it gives me an error

650 Views Asked by At

I saw the documentation in bunnystream's API, for uploading videos using TUS. I copied the javascript example, changed the data to my own. And the console gives me this error: Error: tus: unexpected response while creating upload, originated from request (method: POST, url: https://video.bunnycdn.com/tusupload, response code: 401, response text: , request id: n/a)

I don't know why that happens, so can anyone help me?

function UploadVideo(file, json, collectionId, libraryID){
    const presigned_signature = sha256(libraryID + AccessKey + 1234567890 + json.guid);

    // Create a new tus upload
    var upload = new tus.Upload(file, {
        endpoint: "https://video.bunnycdn.com/tusupload",
        retryDelays: [0, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 60000, 60000],
        headers: {
            AuthorizationSignature: presigned_signature, // SHA256 signature (library_id + api_key + expiration_time + video_id)
            AuthorizationExpire: 1234567890, // Expiration time as in the signature,
            VideoId: json.guid, // The guid of a previously created video object through the Create Video API call
            LibraryId: libraryID,
        metadata: {
            filetype: file.type,
            title: 'Video 4st Test from JS',
            collection: collectionId
        onError: function (error) { console.log(error)},
    onProgress: function (bytesUploaded, bytesTotal) { 
        var percentage = (bytesUploaded / bytesTotal * 100).toFixed(2);
        progressBar.style.width = percentage + "%";
        console.log(bytesUploaded, bytesTotal, percentage + "%");
    onSuccess: () =>  {console.log('file uploaded successfully!')}

    // Check if there are any previous uploads to continue.
    upload.findPreviousUploads().then(function (previousUploads) {
        // Found previous uploads so we select the first one. 
        if (previousUploads.length) {

        // Start the upload

Thats the code I wrote, I'm using cdn for tus, sha256.


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