Why Angular keycloak required-login not redirect?

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i am integrating angular keycloak 7.3.1 into my application in angular 9 After initializing keycloak I do not go to the keycloak login page. I don't see any calls starting, neither login, nor token, nor info. How can I solve this problem? I don't use a function as in the guide but I integrated keycloak in an ngrx effect, but even following the guide the results were not better

the config:

 window.oidcConfig = {
    config: {

       * URL to the Keycloak server, for example: http://keycloak-server/auth
      url: `${DOMAIN}/auth`,

       * Name of the realm, for example: 'myrealm'
      realm: 'quake',

       * Client identifier, example: 'myapp'
      clientId: 'quake',

    initOptions: {
       * Adds a [cryptographic nonce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_nonce)
       * to verify that the authentication response matches the request.
       * @default true
      useNonce: true,

       * Allow usage of different types of adapters or a custom adapter to make Keycloak work in different environments.
       * The following options are supported:
       * - `default` - Use default APIs that are available in browsers.
       * - `cordova` - Use a WebView in Cordova.
       * - `cordova-native` - Use Cordova native APIs, this is recommended over `cordova`.
      adapter: 'default',

       * Specifies an action to do on load.
       * 'login-required'|'check-sso'
      onLoad: 'login-required',

       * Set an initial value for the token.
      token: '',

       * Set an initial value for the refresh token.
      refreshToken: '',

       * Set an initial value for the id token (only together with `token` or
       * `refreshToken`).
      idToken: '',

       * Set an initial value for skew between local time and Keycloak server in
       * seconds (only together with `token` or `refreshToken`).
      timeSkew: 0,

       * Set to enable/disable monitoring login state.
       * @default true
      checkLoginIframe: true,

       * Set the interval to check login state (in seconds).
       * @default 5
      checkLoginIframeInterval: 5,

       * Set the OpenID Connect response mode to send to Keycloak upon login.
       * @default fragment After successful authentication Keycloak will redirect
       *                   to JavaScript application with OpenID Connect parameters
       *                   added in URL fragment. This is generally safer and
       *                   recommended over query.
       * 'query'|'fragment'
      responseMode: 'fragment',

       * Specifies a default uri to redirect to after login or logout.
       * This is currently supported for adapter 'cordova-native' and 'default'
      redirectUri: `${DOMAIN}/quake`,

       * Specifies an uri to redirect to after silent check-sso.
       * Silent check-sso will only happen, when this redirect uri is given and
       * the specified uri is available whithin the application.
      silentCheckSsoRedirectUri: window.quixConfig.baseUrl + '/assets/silent-check-sso.html',

       * Specifies whether the silent check-sso should fallback to "non-silent"
       * check-sso when 3rd party cookies are blocked by the browser. Defaults
       * to true.
      silentCheckSsoFallback: false,

       * Set the OpenID Connect flow.
       * @default standard
       * 'standard'|'implicit'|'hybrid';
      flow: 'standard',

       * Configures the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) method to use.
       * The currently allowed method is 'S256'.
       * If not configured, PKCE will not be used.
      pkceMethod: 'S256',

       * Enables logging messages from Keycloak to the console.
       * @default false
      enableLogging: true

     * boolean
    enableBearerInterceptor: true,

     * boolean
    loadUserProfileAtStartUp: false,

     * \{url: string;httpMethods?: HttpMethods\}list
    bearerExcludedUrls: [],

     * string
    authorizationHeaderName: '',

     * string
    bearerPrefix: '',

the service:

export class AuthService {
  public config: any
  public authConfig: any

    @Optional() config: QuangAuthConfig,
    private keyCloak: KeycloakService,
    private store: Store<any>,
  ) {
    if (config) {
      this.config = config;

  startAuth() {
    if (_window().oidcConfig) {
      this.authConfig = _window().oidcConfig
    } else if (this.config.oidcConfig) {
      this.authConfig = this.config.oidcConfig
    } else {
      alert('[AUTH SERVICE] No auth config')
    return from(this.keyCloak.init(this.authConfig))

  startAuthAndDispatch() {
    if (_window().oidcConfig) {
      this.authConfig = _window().oidcConfig
    } else if (this.config.oidcConfig) {
      this.authConfig = this.config.oidcConfig
    } else {
      alert('[AUTH SERVICE] No auth config')
    from(this.keyCloak.init(this.authConfig)).subscribe(isLogged => {
      if (isLogged) {
        this.store.dispatch(userLogin({isLogged: isLogged}))

  getUserInfo() {
    return from(this.keyCloak.loadUserProfile())

  getUserInfoAndDispatch() {
    from(this.keyCloak.loadUserProfile()).subscribe((user: any) => {
      this.store.dispatch(userInfoLogin({userData: user}))

  refreshToken() {
    return from(this.keyCloak.updateToken(30))

  logout() {
    return from(this.keyCloak.logout())

  logoutAndDispatch() {
      () => {

the effect

export class AuthEffects {

    private actions$: Actions,
    private authService: AuthService
  ) {

  startAuthEffect$ = createEffect(
    () => this.actions$.pipe(
      exhaustMap(action =>
          map(is => userLogin({isLogged: is}))

  getInfoUserEffect$ = createEffect(
    () => this.actions$.pipe(
      exhaustMap(action =>
          map((user: any) => userInfoLogin({userData: user}))

  endAuthEffect$ = createEffect(
    () => this.actions$.pipe(
      exhaustMap(action =>
          map(() => userInfoLogout())


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