Why do the edges of my Gnuplot Heatmap have not the same thickness while they represent the same value?

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I am doing a heat transfer simulation into a cube and plotting the evolution through time with a 2D heatmap at mid-depth of the cube.

The issue is that the edges, while they represent the same value because it is a boundary condition, are not the same thickness on the heatmap during the simulation.

We can see that easier with the top and bottom boundaries, which are at 373 K, in red. Here is a screenshot of the .gif heatmap launched with "Image Viewer":

enter image description here

I join the dataset used to plot the heatmap:

  x      z       t      T
0.000  0.000  0.000  373.000
0.000  0.005  0.000  298.000
0.000  0.015  0.000  298.000
0.000  0.985  0.000  298.000
0.000  0.995  0.000  298.000
0.000  1.000  0.000  373.000

0.015  0.000  0.001  373.000
0.015  0.005  0.001  292.000
0.015  0.015  0.001  283.000
0.015  0.025  0.001  283.000
0.015  0.985  0.001  283.000
0.015  0.995  0.001  292.000
0.015  1.000  0.001  373.000


And here is the .plt code for Gnuplot:

set view map scale 1
set size square
set xlabel("x (m)")
set ylabel("z (m)")
set zlabel("T")
set xrange [-0.01:1.01]
set yrange [-0.01:1.01]
set title "Heat transfert 3D at mid depth of a cube"
set cblabel "T (K)"

set hidden3d
set palette rgb 33,13,10 
set cbrange [283:373] # colobar range

set pm3d implicit at s 
set pm3d corners2color max 

set term gif animate delay 100 

set output "para_heat_3D_insta_4_0.gif"

stats "plot_para_heat_3D_insta.dat"

do for [i=1:int(STATS_blocks)]{
    splot "plot_para_heat_3D_insta.dat" index (i-1) using 1:2:4 with pm3d notitle 


set output

Is someone has an idea and could help me? Thanks in advance.


There are 1 best solutions below


Unfortunately, I don't have a good solution. To my opinion it is an issue with the rendering library, which I cannot explain.

You can compare term pngcairo and term gif. It looks like the GIF-terminal always makes the thin lines in different thicknesses, whereas the PNG looks much better.

As a workaround for the GIF I tried to extract the "active plot area" in pixels of the gif image via the gnuplot variables GPVAL_... (in the gnuplot console type show var GPVAL). You get these values only after plotting. Therefore, I extract the margins from a first gif plot and set the new gif size accordingly and replot. Your step size of 0.005 should correspond to 2 pixels. However, this still doesn't give good results for the GIF. The new plot area should have a square size of 402+8 pixels pixels but it does not. I haven't yet found out why. Sorry, maybe somebody else has a better idea.

My recommendation for an alternative workaround, would be to generate all the frames as PNGs and then use another software to put them together to an animated GIF. For Windows I used ScreenToGif in the past.


### make the active plot a certain size in pixels
reset session

set view map scale 1
set size square

# create some test data
set print $Data
    M=10; N=200
    do for [x=0:M] for [y=0:N] {
        print sprintf("%g %g %g", real(x)/M, real(y)/N, !(y%N)*273)  # real() to avoid gnuplot's integer division
        if (y==N) { print ""}
set print

set palette rgb 33,13,10
set pm3d corners2color max 
set xrange [-0.01:1.01]
set yrange [-0.01:1.01]
set key noautotitle

SizeX = 640
SizeY = 480
# 201 datapoints, with smallest stepsize 0.005
Factor = 2
DataSizeX = (201  + 4)*Factor   # +4 because of 4 "extra steps", i.e. range [-0.01:1.01]
DataSizeY = (201  + 4)*Factor 

# generate PNG
set term pngcairo size SizeX,SizeY font ",11"
set output "SO70684623.png"
splot $Data u 1:2:3 w pm3d

# generate preliminary GIF 
set term gif size SizeX,SizeY font ",11"
set output "SO70684623.gif"

Bmargin(n)   = GPVAL_TERM_YMAX
Lmargin(n)   = GPVAL_TERM_XMIN
SizeXnew(n)  = DataSizeX + Lmargin(0) + Rmargin(0)
SizeYnew(n)  = DataSizeY + Tmargin(0) + Bmargin(0)
print sprintf("New size: %g,%g", SizeXnew(0),SizeYnew(0))

# generate final GIF
set term gif size SizeXnew(0),SizeYnew(0) font ",11"
set output "SO70684623_new.gif"

print sprintf("New active area: %g,%g", PlotAreaX(0), PlotAreaY(0))
set output
### end of code


SO70684623.png (looks ok)

enter image description here

SO70684623.gif (unequal red lines on top and bottom)

enter image description here

SO70684623_new.gif (modified size, does not solve the issue)

enter image description here