Why does a Task within a @MainActor not block the UI?

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Today I refactored a ViewModel for a SwiftUI view to structured concurrency. It fires a network request and when the request comes back, updates a @Published property to update the UI. Since I use a Task to perform the network request, I have to get back to the MainActor to update my property, and I was exploring different ways to do that. One straightforward way was to use MainActor.run inside my Task, which works just fine. I then tried to use @MainActor, and don't quite understand the behaviour here.

A bit simplified, my ViewModel would look somewhat like this:

class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var showLoadingIndicator = false
    @MainActor func reload() {
        showLoadingIndicator = true
        Task {
            try await doNetworkRequest()
            showLoadingIndicator = false
    @MainActor func someOtherMethod() {
        // does UI work

I would have expected this to not work properly.

First, I expected SwiftUI to complain that showLoadingIndicator = false happens off the main thread. It didn't. So I put in a breakpoint, and it seems even the Task within a @MainActor is run on the main thread. Why that is is maybe a question for another day, I think I haven't quite figured out Task yet. For now, let's accept this.

So then I would have expected the UI to be blocked during my networkRequest - after all, it is run on the main thread. But this is not the case either. The network request runs, and the UI stays responsive during that. Even a call to another method on the main actor (e.g. someOtherMethod) works completely fine.
Even running something like Task.sleep() within doNetworkRequest will STILL work completely fine. This is great, but I would like to understand why.

My questions:
a) Am I right in assuming a Task within a MainActor does not block the UI? Why?
b) Is this a sensible approach, or can I run into trouble by using @MainActor for dispatching asynchronous work like this?


There are 1 best solutions below


await is a yield point in Swift. It's where the current Task releases the queue and allows something else to run. So at this line:

        try await doNetworkRequest()

your Task will let go of the main queue, and let something else be scheduled. It won't block the queue waiting for it to finish.

This means that after the await returns, it's possible that other code has been run by the main actor, so you can't trust the values of properties or other preconditions you've cached before the await.

Currently there's no simple, built-in way to say "block this actor until this finishes." Actors are reentrant.