Why does my Vuepress site work locally but not when hosted on Firebase?

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So I successfully deployed my basic/static vuepress site via firebase deploy but nothing is showing up when I go to the url; https://nbamodel-223111.web.app/. However, it works fine when running it locally. What could it be? Firebase seems to say the version it is running, multiple files etc... I don't know what's going on.

The firebase.json is the below - could there be something wrong there?

  "hosting": {
    "public": "./vuepress/dist",
    "ignore": [

I'm not sure what else to look for to resolve this issue.


There are 1 best solutions below


I have checked your web at https://********-223111.web.app/ and it shows that is up and running, you may want to edit your question to remove that url from Stackoverflow.

Additionally you could add how you made it work!!