Why is my floppy disk reading code failing?

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I am writing a bootloader in x86-16 assembly on a floppy disk, meaning that I will have to read from the disk in order to load more of my code, however, every time I attempt to read the disk and check the disk status code, I always get 0x04 - sector not found. I have attempted to read with CX set to 0x0000, 0x0001, and 0x0101, but I don't really know what to do, or what I am doing wrong.
INT 13,1 - Disk Status Codes
INT 13,2 - Read Disk Sectors


%include "C:\x86asm\nasm\nasm.asm"
    ;%macro pad 1-2 0
    ;   times %1 - ($ - $$) db %2
[org 0x7C00]

; https://stanislavs.org/helppc/        ;; BIOS
; https://c9x.me/x86/                   ;; Instruction Set
; https://wiki.osdev.org/               ;; OS Development

; absolute address = (segment << 4) + address
; to simulate NES/SNES style memory mapping (banks), only use bits[9..15] ($x000)
            JMP 0x0000:_start           ; ensure CS = $0000
            CLI                         ; clear interrupt flag (disable
                                        ;   interrupts, opposite of 6502)
            CLD                         ; clear direction flag
            PUSH CS
            POP DS                      ; prepare for puts / puthexbyte
            PUSH CS
            POP SS                      ; set up stack segment
            MOV SP, 0x7C00
            ;; set graphics ;;
            MOV AX, 0x0012              ; set screen mode
            INT 0x10
            MOV AH, 0x0B
            MOV BX, 0x0201
            INT 0x10
            MOV DX, 0x0D22              ; display "LOADING..."
            MOV BX, 0x0007
            MOV SI, loadstr
            CALL putsl
            MOV AH, 0x86                ; wait a moment...
            MOV CX, 0x000F
            INT 0x15
            ;; load floppy disk ;;
            MOV BP, 0x0800              ; if fail, read x times
                SUB BP, 0x0100          ; decrement # of tries left
                MOV AH, 0x02            ; print # of tries left
                XOR DX, DX
                INT 0x10
                MOV DX, BP
                CALL puthexbyte
                MOV AH, 0x00            ; reset disk system
                MOV DL, 0x00
                INT 0x13
                MOV AX, 0x0201          ; read
                MOV CX, 0x0101
                XOR DX, DX
                PUSHW 0x1800            ; write to $18000 ~ $1FFFF
                POP ES
                XOR BX, BX
                INT 0x13
                MOV DH, AH              ; show error code
                CALL puthexbyte
                JNC .loadsuccess
                    TEST BP, BP
                    JNE .loadfailure
                        MOV DX, 0x0D0F      ; read fail;
                        MOV SI, badload     ;   print msg
                        CALL putsl
                        MOV AH, 0x86        ; wait
                        MOV CX, 0x001E
                        INT 0x15
                        INT 0x18        ; boot windows
            MOV DX, 0x0D0F          ; read success;
            MOV SI, nosystem        ;   DOS not finished,
            CALL putsl              ;   tell user
            MOV AH, 0x86            ; wait
            MOV CX, 0x001E
            INT 0x15
            JMP 0x1000:0x8000       ; boot test
    ; [DX]    : (Y,X)
    ; (AH)
            MOV AH, 0x02
            INT 0x10                ; set cursor position
    ; [DS:SI] : String
    ; (AX, BX, SI)
            MOV AH, 0x0E            ; teletype mode
            MOV BX, 0x000F          ; set white text attribute
                LODSB               ; load character from [DS:SI++]
                TEST AL, AL         ; check if NULL (x86 MOV does not
                JE .endputs         ;   change zero-flag unlike 6502 LDA/LDX/LDY)
                    INT 0x10        ; print character
                    JMP .putsloop   ; loop until NULL
    ; [DH] : Value
    ; (AX, DH, BX)
            MOV AH, 0x0E
            MOV BX, asciihex
            MOV AL, DH
            SHR AL, 4
            MOV BX, 0x000F
            INT 0x10                ; print character
            MOV BX, asciihex
            MOV AL, DH
            AND AL, 0x0F
            MOV BX, 0x000F
            INT 0x10
    db "0123456789ABCDEF", 0
    db "LOADING...", 0
    db "Unable to load disk. Attempting to load Windows...", 0
    db "Operating System is incomplete. Loading Windows...", 0
    db "Disk read success. INT 0x20 set success. Jump success.", 0

    pad 0x01FE                          ; pad to end of boot sector
    dw 0xAA55                           ; floppy disk boot sector signature
    ; code
            PUSHW 0x0000                ; test setting INT
            POP DS                      ;   (tested; works when in
            MOV [4 * 0x20], DWORD putsl ;   boot sector)
            MOV DX, 0x0D0D              ; test INT by
            MOV SI, tststr              ;   printing
            INT 0x20                    ;   string
            MOV AH, 0x86                ; wait
            MOV CX, 0x001E
            INT 0x15
            INT 0x18                    ; boot windows
    pad 0x0400                          ; pad to end of sector 1
    ;incbin "os.bin"
    pad 0x00167FFF                      ; pad to disk end
    db 0x00

An explanation on how to convert disk sectors and tracks (ie. CX in INT 13,2) into a "linear address" would be greatly appreciated, as the method I am using to get my code onto a floppy disk has me opening the program HxD and manually copying and pasting my binary onto the the disk.
Also, the disk I am using is 'unformatted' (as far as Windows is concerned). Also, also, if this changes anything, my PC's BIOS is (msinfo32)"American Megatrends Inc. 5.35, 2008-12-16."


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