Why is my threading/multiprocessing python script not exiting properly?

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I have a server script that I need to be able to shutdown cleanly. While testing the usual try..except statements I realized that Ctrl-C didn't work the usual way. Normally I'd wrap long running tasks like this

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    #close the script cleanly here

so the task could be shutdown cleanly on Ctrl-C. I have never ran into any problems with this before, but somehow when I hit Ctrl-C when this particular script is running the script just exits without catching the Ctrl-C.

The initial version was implemented using Process from multiprocessing. I rewrote the script using Thread from threading, but same issue there. I have used threading many times before, but I am new to the multiprocessing library. Either way, I have never experienced this Ctrl-C behavior before.

Normally I have always implemented sentinels etc to close down Queues and Thread instances in an orderly fashion, but this script just exits without any response.

Last, I tried overriding signal.SIGINT as well like this

def handler(signal, frame):
    print 'Ctrl+C'

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)

Here Ctrl+C was actually caught, but the handler doesn't execute, it never prints anything.

Besides the threading / multiprocessing aspect, parts of the script contains C++ SWIG objects. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I am running Python 2.7.2 on OS X Lion.

So, a few questions:

  1. What's going on here?
  2. How can I debug this?
  3. What do I need to learn in order to understand the root cause?

PLEASE NOTE: The internals of the script is proprietary so I can't give code examples. I am however very willing to receive pointers so I could debug this myself. I am experienced enough to be able to figure it out if someone could point me in the right direction.

EDIT: I started commenting out imports etc to see what caused the weird behavior, and I narrowed it down to an import of a C++ SWIG library. Any ideas why importing a C++ SWIG library 'steals' Ctrl-C? I am not the author of the guilty library however and my SWIG experience is limited so don't really know where to start...

EDIT 2: I just tried the same script on a windows machine, and in Windows 7 the Ctrl-C is caught as expected. I'm not really going to bother with the OS X part, the script will be run in an Windows environment anyway.


There are 3 best solutions below


This might have to do with the way Python manages threads, signals and C calls.

In short - Ctrl-C cannot interrupt C calls, since the implementation requires that a python thread will handle the signal, and not just any thread, but the main thread (often blocked, waiting for other threads).

In fact, long operations can block everything.

Consider this:

>>> nums = xrange(100000000)
>>> -1 in nums
False (after  ~ 6.6 seconds)

Now, Try hitting Ctrl-C (uninterruptible!)

>>> nums = xrange(100000000)
>>> -1 in nums
^C^C^C   (nothing happens, long pause)

The reason Ctrl-C doesn't work with threaded programs is that the main thread is often blocked on an uninterruptible thread-join or lock (e.g, any 'wait', 'join' or just a plain empty 'main' thread, which in the background causes python to 'join' on any spawned threads).

Try to insert a simple

while True:

in your main thread.

If you have a long running C function, do signal handling in C-level (May the Force be with you!).

This is largely based on David Beazley's video on the subject.


It exits because something else is likely catching the KeyboardInterupt and then raising some other exception, or simply returning None. You should still get a traceback to help debug. You need to capture the stderr output or run your script with the -i commandline option so you can see traceback. Also, add another except block to catch all other exceptions.

If you suspect the C++ function call to be catching the CTRL+C try catching it's output. If the C function is not returning anything then there isn't much you can do except ask the author to add some exception handling, return codes, etc.

    #Doing something proprietary  ...
    #catch the function call output
    result = yourCFuncCall()

    #raise an exception if it's not what you expected
    if result is None:
        raise ValueError('Unexpected Result')

except KeyboardInterupt:
    print('Must be a CTRL+C')

    print('Unhandled Exception')