Why is this lexer not parsing this input?

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I want to lex the following code example:

prop levelBasedAlerter uni { a b } \I -> 
  levelBasedAlerter a                           
    | a > I ->                                   
      b: "ALERT: %a"                            

this should be

Var "levelBasedAlerter"
PortSpecS " { a b }"
Var "I"
Indent 2
Var "levelBasedAlerter"
Var "a"
Indent 4
Var "a"
Var ">"
Var "I" 
Indent 6
Var "b"
StringLit "Alert: %a"

however, my alex lexer stops with an error on encountering \ in the first line (with and without a space behind the \).

Why is this the case? The Lexer:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Lexer where
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char
import Debug.Trace
import Prelude hiding (lex)
import Control.Monad (liftM)

%wrapper "posn"

$digit            = 0-9
@string           = (. # [\" \\] )

$alpha            = [a-zA-Z]
@real             = ($digit+ \. | $digit * \. $digit +)
@boolLit          = ("True"|"False")
@alphaNum         = ($alpha|$digit)+
$bracketsOpen     = [\(\[\{]
$bracketsClose    = [\)\]\}]
$brackets         = [ $bracketsOpen $bracketsClose]
@identifier       = [^ : ! = \\ \ " $brackets]+
@commaOrSpace     = (\,\ * | \ +)
@scopedIdentifier = @identifier(\.@identifier)+
@globalKeyword    = (prop|mesh|let|omni|uni|let|using|module|import|where)
@port             = (@identifier:\ *)?@identifier
@portSpec         = ((@identifier|@scopedIdentifier):)?
                    " "*
                        \{\ * @port
                            (@commaOrSpace @port)*
                        " "*\} 
@deepPortSpec     = ((@identifier|@scopedIdentifier):)?
                    " "*
                        \{\ * @identifier: (. # \})+ \} 
@indent           = \n[\t\ ]+

tokens :-
    @indent         { \_ s -> Indent $ length s }
    $white+         ;
    "--".*          ;
    @globalKeyword  { \_ keyword -> getTokenOf keyword }
    $digit+         { \_ s -> IntL (read s) }
    @real+          { \_ s -> DoubleL (read s) }
    @boolLit        { \_ s -> BoolL (read s) }
    \" @string \"   { \_ s -> StringLit (tail . init $ s) }
    @portSpec       { \_ s -> PortSpecS s } 
    @deepPortSpec   { \_ s -> DeepPortSpecS s }
    ":"             { \_ s -> DefinedByCol }
    ","             { \_ s -> Comma }
    "!"             { \_ s -> Negate }
    "=="            { \_ s -> Eq }
    "="             { \_ s -> LetAssOp }
    "~>"            { \_ s -> Wire }
    "->"            { \_ s -> PatternMatchEnd }
    $bracketsOpen   { \_ s -> BracO s}
    $bracketsClose  { \_ s -> BracC s}
    "||"            { \_ s -> Or }
    "|"             { \_ s -> PatternGuard}
    "!!"            { \_ s -> AccessPort }
    "\\"            { \_ s -> Lam }

    @scopedIdentifier {\_ s -> ScopedVar s }
    @identifier     { \_ s -> Var s }


clean :: String -> String
clean s = reverse $ rmWs $ reverse $ rmWs s
    where rmWs = dropWhile (\c -> c ==' ' || c == '\t')

traceThis :: (Show a) => a -> a
traceThis a = trace ("DEBUG: " ++ show a) a

data Token
           = Prop
           | Mesh
           | Module
           | Import
           | Where
           | Var String
           | BracO String
           | BracC String
           | Comma
           | Eq
           | PatternGuard
           | Or
           | ScopedVar String 
           | Omni
           | Uni
           | PortSpecS String
           | DeepPortSpecS String
           | DefinedByCol                       -- ':' after definitions
           | Indent Int
           | PatternMatchEnd                    -- '->' after PM
           | Negate    
           | Let 
           | LetAssOp                           -- '=' in let x = ...
           | Wire
           | AccessPort
           | Using
           | Lam
           | StringLit String
           | IntL Int
           | DoubleL Double
           | BoolL Bool
           | EOF 
    deriving (Eq,Show,Data)

getTokenOf :: String -> Token
getTokenOf s = fromConstr 
             $ head $ filter ((==s) . map toLower . showConstr) 
             $ dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf $ Prop


I think it has something to do with how i match for the \ token. However, I have tried matching it like

'\' '\\' "\" "\\" \\ \ and also with a regular expression, but nothing seems to work.

Is there some weird behavior regarding \ in alex? or is it some other trivial error that I am unable to see?


I tried changing the @identifier to this now:

@identifier       = (. # [ : ! = \\ \ " $brackets])+

to do "anything except for x" matching in an alexy way but this did not change anything in the output.


There are 1 best solutions below


It's hard to read your lex rules, unfortunately. But you have two mistakes in your token definitions.

First, the following:

 "\\"   {\_ s -> Lam}

should be:

  "\"   {\_ s -> Lam}

(Note that we do not escape the back-slash.) This is counter-intuitive indeed, but this is the syntax of an Alex rule, and thus you shouldn't to quote the back-slash there. (Otherwise, it'll match two backslashes, back-to-back.)

The second is that your rule:

    \" @string \"  { \_ s -> StringLit (tail . init $ s) }

should be:

    \" @string* \"  { \_ s -> StringLit (tail . init $ s) }

(Note the star after @string.) That is, your strings need to accept 0 or more characters in them.

If you make the above two changes, you'll see that your input now goes through without problems.

However, it appears that you're trying to do too much in your lexer: A lexer should really be very simple; and it should definitely not contain complicated rules like portSpec that you have. Instead, you should simply tokenize into basic constituents (more or less delimited by white-space except for strings), and then you should use a proper parser generator like Happy to do the actual parsing of your language. This is the standard methodology.