Why the dynamically generated inputs return NaN?

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I've created a modal that returns all number input elements to generate in HTML, but when i insert a number inside, if i write the array (example: {{ ng_model_m[i] }}) inside ngFor, it will return the value, but if i write the ngModel (example: sm.m_prova), it will return NaN.

Project: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-jbzmnq?file=src%2Fapp%2Fschemamasse-comp.component.ts

UPDATE: When i generate ngModel, i generate also name attribute and i've seen in "Inspect Element" that there isn't name attribute inside the element input, but there is ng-reflect-name and if a print on console by event.target.name, it doesn't print nothing.


There are 1 best solutions below


two thinks about ngb-model, when you receive the promise you need use then((resultIfClose)=>{...},(resultIfDismmis)=>{...}

If you don't want to make nothing when use activeModal.dismiss include a empty function

    .then((res) =>{
     ()=>{} //<--this

Second, "res" is the value you pass in close function, in your stackblitz you pass a string 'prova' and want to iterate as it was an array