'error': True,
'apiversion': 35,
'errorCode': 'api.error.job-upload.invalid',
'message': 'Job does not have file options’
Why there is an error when uploading a file
749 Views Asked by chaozhan At
'error': True,
'apiversion': 35,
'errorCode': 'api.error.job-upload.invalid',
'message': 'Job does not have file options’
You need an option defined as a file type instead of a "text" type option. I leave a job definition example (check the "type" attribute on "option" section):
Following the API documentation, you need to "load" the file first and later run the job with the file id on your file option. I have used jq tool to extract the file id to pass later:
The output is (using jq too to "beautify"):
And now the job can print the file content (it's just an example).
Another option is to do the same process using RD CLI tool, easiest I think.