wicket:how to get dropdownlist selected value in ListView

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i have a page,there are some dropdown.when page was load,accord the list,there will show some dropdown.now want to get the dropdownlist selected value in listview,but i can't get the dropdownchoice seleceted value.how can i do to get this value?

Can anyone tell me how to achieve this.

html code:

    <tr wicket:id="tritems">
        <th align="right"><span wicket:id="lblattr"></span></th>
        <td><select wicket:id="attrvalue"></select></td>
    <tr><th align="right"><wicket:message key="targetsystem" /></th><td><select wicket:id="targetsystem" /></td></tr>

java code:

final ListView trView=new ListView("tritems", new PropertyModel(this, "attrBizRoles")) { 
        private IBizRole attrvalueBizRole=new BizRole();    

        protected void populateItem(ListItem item) { 
                attrBizRole = (IBizRole) item.getModelObject(); 
                item.add(new Label("lblattr", attrBizRole.getName())); 
                // this list can get from attr 
                attrvalueBizRoles = (List<IBizRole>) attrBizRole.getChildBizRole(); 
                if (attrvalueBizRoles.size()>0) { 
                DropDownChoice attrvalueChoice = new DropDownChoice("attrvalue",new PropertyModel<IBizRole>(this, "attrvalueBizRole"), attrvalueBizRoles,new IChoiceRenderer() { 

                        public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) { 
                                attrvalueBizRole = (IBizRole) object; 
                                return attrvalueBizRole.getName(); 

                        public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) { 
                                attrvalueBizRole = (IBizRole) object; 
                                return String.valueOf(attrvalueBizRole.getId()); 



There are 2 best solutions below


PropertyModel(this, "attrvalueBizRole")

It seems all your items write into the same field "attrvalueBizRole" of your list view. This probably is not what you intended.

Don't your IBizRole has a property, you can bind the drop downs to directly?


Before to add "ListView" add a new HiddenField. it will store the selected value:

//Note:: your model have to have "getRowSelected()" and "setRowSelected()" methods and "String rowSelected" field...  
add(new HiddenField<String>("rowSelected", new PropertyModel<String>(getModelObject(), "rowSelected"))){    
        protected void onInitialize() {
            add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("change") {

                protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                    getValue();//This method will return your selected value

In your populateItems() you have to set "data-value" attribute:

protected void populateItem(ListItem item) { 
    item.add(new AttributeModifier("data-value",attrvalueBizRole.getId())

In your HTML page you have to add an hidden-field just before your ListView

<input type="hidden" name="rowSelected" wicket:id="rowSelected"/>//<--
<tr wicket:id="tritems">
    <th align="right"><span wicket:id="lblattr"></span></th>
    <td><select wicket:id="attrvalue"></select></td>