With Form Antd, how to catch values change with setFieldValue()?

324 Views Asked by At

I want to catch event from setFieldValue(), with Antd Form.

CodeSandBox code

In this code, if you write on the Input, the functions onFieldsChange and onValuesChange will be triggered.

But if you click on the button click me, the function setFieldValue() is called to update the value of the Input, but the two function are not called.

Thank to anyone can help me.


This doesn't seem feasible...

setFieldsValue do not trigger onFieldsChange or onValuesChange?

It's by design. Only user interactive can trigger the change event. This design is aim to avoid call setFieldsValue in change event which may makes loop calling.

Antd Documentation about this


There are 1 best solutions below


It's possible to trigger only onFieldsChange event when setting fields to form. Take a look here.

You just need to add rules to form fields (yes, you will use it to validate form values) then call form.validateFields right after setting values:

  // can be triggered by rule validation
  onFieldsChange={(changedFields, allFields) => {
    console.log("on fields change : ", changedFields, allFields);
  // only triggered on user actions
  onValuesChange={(changedValues, allValues) => {
    console.log("on values change : ", changedValues, allValues);
    rules={[{ required: true, message: "please fill" }]}
    <Input />
    onClick={() => {
      form.setFieldValue("input", "TEST MESSAGE");
      // if you don't pass any field so all
      // available fields will be validated
    click me

The "problem" of this sollution is: onFieldsChange will be triggered more than one time wich is not so hard do handle.

Also here is a working codesandbox.

Hope this helps:)