Within a .vcxproj file what are the possible values for the <ConfigurationType> and what do those values mean?

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Within a .vcxproj file what are the possible values for the ConfigurationType and what do those values mean? -Or- where can I find this information on MSDN? I have had difficulty sellecting a good search string to answer my question.

I think I know the answer to the first question, but I want confirmation/ details.

Here is what I think I know:

  • Application produces an exe.

  • DynamicLibrary produces a .lib and a .dll file. (Follow up here, if that is true then does it always produce both? or are there exceptions that produce one or the other. Perhaps I am accidentally thinking of c++/cli? Is there a different possibility in a c++/cli file? )

Are those correct, are there any others?


There are 1 best solutions below


You could just open the dropdown menu within Visual Studio project properties to get the list... but here is the MSDN documentation.

There are several configuration types from which to choose: Application (.exe), displays linker toolset (C/C++ Compiler, MIDL, Resource Compiler, Linker, BSCMake, XML Web Service Proxy Generator, custom build, prebuild, prelink, postbuild events). Dynamic Library (.dll), displays linker toolset, specifies /DLL linker option, and adds the _WINDLL define to CL. Makefile, displays makefile toolset (NMake). Static Library (.lib), displays librarian toolset (same as linker toolset except substitute librarian for linker and omit XML Web Service Proxy Generator). Utility, displays utility toolset (MIDL, custom build, prebuild, postbuild events).