Word- VBA- How To Prevent Deletion of Selected Repeating Section Content Controls If There Is Only One Section Remaining?

202 Views Asked by At

The following code successfully deletes the selected RSCC but always prevents the first RSCC from being deleted.

 Dim cc As ContentControl
    If Selection.Information(wdInContentControl) Then
        Set cc = Selection.ParentContentControl
        If Not cc.Type = wdContentControlRepeatingSection Then
            Do Until cc.Type = wdContentControlRepeatingSection
                Set cc = cc.ParentContentControl
        End If
        Dim index As Long
        For index = 1 To cc.RepeatingSectionItems.Count
            If Selection.Range.InRange(cc.RepeatingSectionItems(index).Range) Then
                If index > 1 Then
                    MsgBox Prompt:="You cannot delete this.", Title:="Error"
                End If
                Exit For
            End If
        Next index
    End If

My goal is to be able to delete any selected RSCC but not if there is any one RSCC remaining.

In other words, if I have three RSCCs (1,2,3), instead of always protecting section 1, I would like to protect section 2 if I were to delete the section 1 and 3 or protect section 3 if section 1 and 2 were deleted.


There are 1 best solutions below

   Dim cc As ContentControl
   If Selection.Information(wdInContentControl) Then
      Set cc = Selection.ParentContentControl
      If Not cc.Type = wdContentControlRepeatingSection Then
         Do Until cc.Type = wdContentControlRepeatingSection
            Set cc = cc.ParentContentControl
      End If
      If cc.RepeatingSectionItems.count > 1 Then
         Dim index As Long
         Dim count As Long
         count = cc.RepeatingSectionItems.count
         For index = cc.RepeatingSectionItems.count To 1 Step -1
            If Selection.Range.InRange(cc.RepeatingSectionItems(index).Range) Then
               If count > 1 Then
                  count = count - 1
                  MsgBox Prompt:="There is only 1 item left so you cannot delete it.", Title:="Error"
               End If
            End If
         Next index
         MsgBox Prompt:="There is only 1 item left so you cannot delete it.", Title:="Error"
      End If
   End If