WPF ToggleButton and DelegateCommand

4.5k Views Asked by At

Is there a way to determine if a ToggleButton is Checked/Unchecked via DelegateCommands?

TIA, mike

XAML code below. I'm using ItemsControl and binding to a collection. I'm basically wanting a way to get the toggle status of each button when it's clicked.

<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
    <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Modifiers, Mode=TwoWay}">
                <ScrollViewer ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
                    <WrapPanel Margin="10" Width="{TemplateBinding Width}"
                               Height="{TemplateBinding Height}" 
                               FlowDirection="LeftToRight" IsItemsHost="true">
                <ToggleButton FontSize="18" Opacity="0.8"
                              Command="{Binding DataContext.ModifierToggleCommand, 
                                        RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
                                        AncestorType={x:Type Views:ModifiersView}}}" 
                              CommandParameter="{Binding}" Height="80" Width="200" Margin="5"
                              Content="{Binding Path=ModifierName}" />

There are 2 best solutions below


Could you specify the CommandParameter declaratively in the XAML and use an element binding to populate the value with the current value of the toggle?


A simpler solution would be to bind the IsChecked property to a property of your ViewModel. That way you just have to check the property value...