wrapping nodejs stream in JSON object

683 Views Asked by At

I have a readable stream, something like this:

const algorithm = 'aes-256-ctr';
stream = file.stream
    .pipe(crypto.createCipher(algorithm, encryptionKey))

Encryption works as expected on the entire file. I need to wrap the result of crypto into some sort of json, so the output stream to receive something like this:

    "content": "/* MY STREAM CONTENT */"

how do I do that?

Additionally, I need to read the file stored on disk and unwrap it from json if the encryption key matches.

Thanks in advance


There are 1 best solutions below


As of node v13, you can use generators within pipeline and build your object as a string:

// const { pipeline } = require('stream/promises'); // <- node >= 16
const Util = require('util');
const pipeline = Util.promisify(Stream.pipeline);

const algorithm = 'aes-256-ctr';
const Crypto = require('crypto');

async function run() {
  await pipeline(
    file.stream, // <- your file read stream
    Crypto.createCipher(algorithm, encryptionKey),

async function* chunksToJson(chunksAsync) {
  yield '{"content": "';
  for await (const chunk of chunksAsync) {
    yield Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) ? chunk.toString('utf8') : JSON.stringify(chunk);
  yield '"}';

Assuming a more complex case where a large amount of data is being streamed (which is usually the case when using streams), you may be tempted to do something like the following. This is not a good practice since all of the content will build up in memory before yielding, defeating the purpose of streaming.

async function* chunksToJson(chunksAsync) {
  const json = { content: [] };
  for await (const chunk of chunksAsync) {
    json.content.push(Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) ? chunk.toString('utf8') : JSON.stringify(chunk));
  yield JSON.stringify(json);