Xamarin.iOS Binding project error at runtime

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I received recently an iOS SDK that I'm trying to bind, to use it into my app. I have the .a file, the .h file from which I created the ApiDefinitions.cs class, and everything build. But at runtime, whatever method or property I'm trying to call, I get an error like this one "Invalid IL code in Neolane_SDK:RegisterDevice (Foundation.NSData,string,Foundation.NSDictionary): IL_0043: stloc.s 4"

I know that the library itself is working as expected, because it is also used in a native iOS application. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm missing in my Binding project configuration.

Here is the source .h file associated with my .a library:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
//the tag id dedicated to the opening of an app following a notification
#define NL_TRACK_CLICK          @"2"

@interface Neolane_SDK : NSObject {

// marketingHost is the hostname of the Neolane marketing instance (i.e. host.neolane.org)
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *marketingHost;
// trackingHost is the hostname of the Neolane tracking instance (i.e. tracking.neolane.org)
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *trackingHost;
// integrationKey is the integration key as confgured in your Neolane instance
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *integrationKey;
// The connection timout in second (default 30.0 seconds)
@property (nonatomic) double requestTimeout;

// Get the Neolane_SDK instance
+ (Neolane_SDK *) getInstance;

// Register a device in the Neolane instance
// @param token the token as received from the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken callback.
// @param userKey the user identifier
// @param additionalParams custom additional parameters
- (void) registerDevice:(NSData *) token :(NSString *) userKey :(NSDictionary *) additionalParams;

// Notify Neolane of the opening of a push message
// @param deliveryId is the Neolane delivery identifier, as received in the push message
// @param broadlogId is the Neolane broadlog identifier, as received in the push message
// @param tagId tag identifier in Neolane server (NL_TRACK_CLICK when opening an app following a notification).
- (void) track:(NSString *) deliveryId :(NSString *) broadlogId :(NSString *) tagId;

// Send tracking information to Neolane
// @param launchOptions object received by the application before the opening of the application
// @param tagId tag identifier in Neolane server (NL_TRACK_CLICK when opening an app following a notification)
- (void) track:(NSDictionary *) launchOptions :(NSString *) tagId;

void displayOptions(NSDictionary * launchOptions);

And here is the C# associated interface created with sharpie :smile:

// @interface Neolane_SDK : NSObject
    interface Neolane_SDK
        // @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * marketingHost;
        [Export("marketingHost", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
        string MarketingHost { get; set; }

        // @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * trackingHost;
        [Export("trackingHost", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
        string TrackingHost { get; set; }

        // @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * integrationKey;
        [Export("integrationKey", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
        string IntegrationKey { get; set; }

        // @property (nonatomic) double requestTimeout;
        double RequestTimeout { get; set; }

        // +(Neolane_SDK *)getInstance;
        Neolane_SDK Instance { get; }

        // -(void)registerDevice:(NSData *)token :(NSString *)userKey :(NSDictionary *)additionalParams;
        void RegisterDevice(NSData token, string userKey, NSDictionary additionalParams);

        // -(void)track:(NSString *)deliveryId :(NSString *)broadlogId :(NSString *)tagId;
        void Track(string deliveryId, string broadlogId, string tagId);

        // -(void)track:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions :(NSString *)tagId;
        void Track(NSDictionary launchOptions, string tagId);

Despite that, here is the LinkWith options for my .a file

[assembly: LinkWith("libNeolane_SDK.a", SmartLink = true, ForceLoad = true)]

Any help / feedback / experience is appreciated :)

Thanks !


There are 1 best solutions below


If you are using csc (on Windows or on macOS with Mono 5.0+) make sure to set Enable optimizations in your compiler options.

By default debug builds do not enable that option and the generated IL, beside not being optimal, can confuse mtouch binding optimizer.

This will be fixed in the next XI version (10.12) but there's is not drawback to using /optimize+ on bindings projects (you won't even have to switch it back off).