Xbox Live leaderboard in UWP game returns with error 404

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When trying to retrieve a leaderboard from Xbox Live, the stat event type get_leaderboard_complete returns the error code 404. I'm using Xbox Live in a UWP game in the Creators Program.

I'm am able to set and retrieve the stat for the user. This part works without issue:

xbox_live_result<stat_value> serverStat = m_statsManager->get_stat(m_user, L"score");
auto result = serverStat.payload();
if (result.as_integer() < score) {
    setStatForUser(m_user, L"score", score);

My code is adopted from the leaderboard example in the Xbox Live Samples. So to retrieve my leaderboard I'm calling getLeaderboard(m_user, L"score"); and every frame I'm calling statsManager->do_work();.

// Process events from the stats manager
// This should be called each frame update

auto statsEvents = m_statsManager->do_work();
std::wstring text;

for (const auto& evt : statsEvents)
    switch (evt.event_type())
    case stat_event_type::local_user_added:
        text = L"local_user_added";

    case stat_event_type::local_user_removed:
        text = L"local_user_removed";

    case stat_event_type::stat_update_complete:
        text = L"stat_update_complete";

    case stat_event_type::get_leaderboard_complete:
        text = L"get_leaderboard_complete";
        auto getLeaderboardCompleteArgs = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<leaderboard_result_event_args>(evt.event_args());
        processLeaderboards(evt.local_user(), getLeaderboardCompleteArgs->result());

    stringstream_t source;
    source << _T("StatsManager event: ");
    source << text;
    source << _T(".");
    log("%S", source.str().c_str());

Because I'm able to set and retrieve the stat without issue, I wonder if maybe it's an issue with the Xbox Live backend? However, I'm not very familiar with the xbox live 2017 data platform, and I may be calling something incorrectly.


There are 1 best solutions below


I discovered a solution:

  1. Create a new stat/leaderboard in Dev Center.
  2. Press the “Test” button. This is important because it publishes the service configuration.

I’m unsure why the original stat didn’t work. Perhaps because I used the word “score” as the statID.