Xcode: best way to create a user login and a place that can hold an array associated to their login

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I'm looking for some help. I am about to delve into something I am relative new to. I am am trying to create a system for my app where a user can create an account and login and once they have done so it uploads an array to a database so that the array can be retrieved by other users.

I understand that this is kind of complicated, but I'm sure somebody has experienced this issue before. I have read about mysql but I'm not sure if when the user creates an account, that I can upload the array and it can be accessed by other contacts.

If someone could give me links to tutorials that you found helpful then it would be greatly appreciated.

Pseudo code would be: User 1 creates account. User 1 logs in. App uploads array to users account stored online. When user 2 logs in (assuming he has created an account) He adds the first user as a contact of app. He downloads the array of user 1 and uploads his array


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