XCode Preview Error: "Replaced Accessor for 'keyWindow'"

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Adding the some code to one of my files in XCode causes the following error to show when trying to run previews for that file:

Compiling failed: replaced accessor for 'keyWindow' occurs in multiple places.

The error only happens when the following code is used in the file:

extension UIApplication {
    var keyWindow: UIWindow? {
        return UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes
            .filter { $0.activationState == .foregroundActive }
            .first(where: { $0 is UIWindowScene })
            .flatMap({ $0 as? UIWindowScene })?.windows
            .first(where: \.isKeyWindow)
    var keyWindowPresentedController: UIViewController? {
        var viewController = self.keyWindow?.rootViewController
        if let presentedController = viewController as? UITabBarController {
            viewController = presentedController.selectedViewController
        while let presentedController = viewController?.presentedViewController {
            if let presentedController = presentedController as? UITabBarController {
                viewController = presentedController.selectedViewController
            } else {
                viewController = presentedController
        return viewController

I know very little about UIKit, and this code was copy/pasted from online. Why is this code crashing my preview, and how can I fix it?

I'm running XCode 13.4.1 on macOS Monterey


There are 1 best solutions below


UIApplication already has keyWindow property and it seems there is already other extension with same property in workspace, so just use different name for your, like

extension UIApplication {
    var currentWindow: UIWindow? {

*or find which one another is and see if you can reuse it.