xcode size class vs actual iphone resolutions

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Something still not very clear. We know for example iphone 5s has a resolution of 320 x 568 points. If on xocde, storyboard I use “wAny hAny” size class and place a VIEW(UIView) sized 500h x 500w and constrain it to the top, left, right and bottom of super view. In there I can fit 100 50x50 points images, like 10 images per row. Now if I run this app on the iphone 5 simulator I am not able to see 10 images in a row since the width is only 320? Maybe iOS will resize the images so they can hit? What if I don’t want those images to be resized? Can someone please help me with this or guide me to a document that explain this?


There are 1 best solutions below


The superview will be resized, when the app runs, to fit the screen. So, since you have pinned the view to the top, left, right, and bottom of the superview, it will be resized as well.

It is up to you to take all this resizing into account when you design your interface and add your constraints. The whole point of constraints is to allow you to design in the face of all this resizing.

Thus, as for your 10 images, they will certainly not fit at fixed width 50, 10 to a row, when the app actually runs, because (as I just said) the superview is going to be resized. It is up to you to design the interface and the constraints so that they will fit.