xdt transform adding redundant namespace

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When using xdt transformation on a xml file which is using xml schema namespace, is there any approach which doesn't add a redundant namespace of a replaced element?


<myrootnode xmlns="http://myschema">


<s:myrootnode xmlns:s="http://myschema" xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
  <s:thenode xdt:Transform="Replace">myNEWvalue</s:thenode>


<myrootnode xmlns="http://myschema">
  <s:thenode xmlns:s="http://myschema">myNEWvalue</s:thenode>

I've also tried using XPath locator, with the same result. Transform:

<myrootnode xmlns:s="http://myschema" xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
  <s:thenode xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="XPath(//s:thenode)">myNEWvalue</s:thenode>

I would like this output:

<myrootnode xmlns="http://myschema">

Is it possible using xdt?


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