XMonad: How to write functions involving the `Query` datatype?

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I have a feeling that the reason for this question is going to ultimately come down to me just being new at/not understanding Haskell, so I'll try to be as detailed as I can with my description, to make it somewhat generic.

I am using a custom XMonad config as my window manager, defined in a file xmonad.hs.

The XMonad manageHook is what I use to handle when certain applications need to open in a certain type of window or on a certain workspace, etc. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-ManageHook.html

Currently, a bunch of lines in my manageHook in xmonad.hs look like this:

className =? "xxxx" --> doSomething

Here is my current understanding of the line above:

These expressions involve the value of className, defined in XMonad.Hooks.ManageHook, which is of the Query type (Query [Char], to be more specific). https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-ManageHook.html

Query is defined in XMonad.Core. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Core.html#t:Query

=? takes the Query [Char] on the left and the [Char] literal on the right and returns a value of type Query Bool; the value will be True if the [Char]s are equal and False otherwise (I think?)

--> takes the Query Bool on the left and an action on the right and executes the action if the value of the Query Bool is True.


However, this is only useful to me when I know the exact class name of an application I want to apply a rule to, which is not always the case. So, I took a look at xmonad-contrib to get some ideas as to what other functions I could define.

In XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Hooks-ManageHelpers.html), there is ^?, which would be used like below:

className ^? "xxxx" --> doSomething

From my understanding, ^? takes the Query [Char] on the left and the [Char] literal on the right and returns a value type of Query Bool; the value will be True if the [Char] on the left isPrefixOf the [Char] on the right and False otherwise (I think?)

What I would like to create is a new function that is similar, but reversed. Something like,

"xxxx" ?^ className --> doSomething

where ?^ takes the [Char] literal on the left and the Query [Char] on the right and returns a value of type Query Bool; the value should be True if the [Char] on the left isPrefixOf the [Char] on the right and False otherwise. (In other words, I want to define a new function that checks if some string literal is a prefix of the class name, rather than checking if the class name is a prefix of some string literal.)

Initially, I thought this should be easy, but looking at the source code for ^?, I realized there must be something I am fundamentally missing about my understanding of Haskell.

Here is the definition of ^?:

(^?) :: (Eq a, Functor m) => m [a] -> [a] -> m Bool
q ^? x = fmap (`isPrefixOf` x) q


What I do not understand is how I would write a function that is a reversed version of this. This definitely won't work:

(?^) :: (Eq a, Functor m) => [a] -> m [a] -> m Bool
x ?^ q = fmap (`isPrefixOf` q) q

yet I do not understand why. What property does Query have that (Query [a]) isPrefixOf ([a]) is acceptable, but not ([a]) isPrefixOf (Query [a])?

Furthermore, how can I go about defining a function with the desired behavior? I am still pretty new to Haskell, so I do not know where to start.


I was closer than I thought. See the answer for more details, but the solution was just to fix my syntax for the invocation of isPrefixOf (oops):

x ?^ q = fmap (x `isPrefixOf`) q

There are 1 best solutions below


You gotta switch the arguments to isPrefixOf!

x ?^ q = fmap (x `isPrefixOf`) q

Other spellings are possible, such as this version that doesn't use the infix form of isPrefixOf:

x ^? q = isPrefixOf x <$> q

((<$>) is another name for fmap.)