Xpages - Adding anchor tag to a column in Notes view

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I want to add a link into a column in Notesview, I saw an example at searchdomino when I tried it failed with the error "An operator or semicolon was expected but none was encountered", all other effort prove abortive.

Below is the example from searchdomino:

<a href='#' 
onClick="window.open('/"+@WebDbName+"/Employee/"+@Text(@DocumentUniqueID)+"?deleteDocument ','_new');window.location.reload()">Delete</a>

With the error:

An operator or semicolon was expected but none was encountered

enter image description here

I was able to surpress the error doing the below, but could not call the onclick event.

"<a href='#' onClick='window.open'>" + "/"+@WebDbName+"/employee.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId="+@Text(@DocumentUniqueID) + "</a>"

Your input will be appreciated.

Injecting notesview column values into html table, sample code:

 if(entryData[j].getAttribute("columnnumber") == "1") {            
    var xpageName = "page.xsp";
    var sURL = strURL[0] + ".nsf/" + xpageName + "?documentId=" + viewEntry[i].getAttribute("unid") + "&action=editDocument";

    result += "<tr> ";

    if(entryData[j].childNodes[1].childNodes.length == 0) {
        result += "<td><a href='" + sURL + "'>(NO_VALUE)</a></td>"
    } else {
        result += "<td><a href='" + sURL + "'>" + entryData[j].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</a></td>"
} else {
    if(entryData[j].childNodes[1].childNodes.length == 0) {
        result += "<td>&nbsp;</td>"
    } else {
        result += "<td>" + entryData[j].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td>"


There are 2 best solutions below


You've got three levels of quoting to deal with there, so I think this is what you need:

{<a href='#' onClick="window.open('/}  + @WebDbName +  {/Employee/} +@Text(@DocumentUniqueID)+ {?deleteDocument ','_new');window.location.reload()">Delete</a>}

I.e, this is using...

  • { } for quoting the formula string value
  • " " for quoting the onClick attribute value within the formula string value
  • ' ' for the quoting the window.open argument values within the onClick attribute value within the formula string value.

If you look at the HTML code you are generating, you will see that you don't pass any arguments to window.open. Your code:

"<a href='#' onClick='window.open'>" + "/"+@WebDbName+"/employee.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId="+@Text(@DocumentUniqueID) + "</a>"

This would render something like this:

<a href='#' onClick='window.open'>/database.nsf/employee.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId=26176F6E8AC2362E3</a>

You need to move the URL inside your onClick event, like this:

<a href='#' onClick='window.open("/database.nsf/employee.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId=26176F6E8AC2362E3")'>Click this link</a>

Or why not just this: Click this link