XQuery error XPST0003 syntax error

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I want to query a site and generate HTML. I am new to XQuery. I am using eXide from eXist-db. I tried to use oXygen but keep having troubles with the eXist-db. Besides that I don't understand why this code does not work in eXide:

xquery version "3.0";
import module namespace http =  "http://exist-db.org/xquery/httpclient";
import module namespace util =  "http://exist-db.org/xquery/util";

declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml  media-type=text/html";

let $spreadsheet-url := 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rNHWMonN4RSnvxMYpkqeGHG_bBz-WpxCI-2_Wc/gviz/ tq?tqx=out:json'

let $spreadsheet-response := http:get(xs:anyURI($spreadsheet-url), true(),  <Headers/>)

let $body :=  util:base64-decode($spreadsheet-response/httpclient:body/text())

let $x :=  parse-json(substring-before(substring-after($body,'('),');'))

let $odk-server:="http//"

let $amp:="&amp;"

let $gmap-api-key:="AIzaSyCYC9h9pMGGvREo................"

                    for $data in $x?table?rows?*
                        let $latitude := $data?c(11)?v
                        let $longitude := $data?c(12)?v
                        let $map-url := concat("https://maps.googleapis.com/api/staticmap?center=",$latitude,",", $longitude, $amp, "zoom=18", $amp, "size=400x400", $amp, "markers=color:blue|", $latitude,",",$longitude, $amp,"key=",$gmap-api-key)

                        let $name:= $data?c(8)?v
                        let $age:=$data=?c(9)?v
                        let $date:=$data?c(10)?f
                        let $image:= replace($data?c(15)?v,"http://aggregate.defaultdomain", $odk-server)
                                <td><img src='{$map-url}' alt="map"/></td>
                                    <img src='{$image}' height="200" width="200" alt="imagem"/>




It gives me an error in line 34 saying it was expected </table> and found *,

enter image description here


There are 1 best solutions below


There is a typo at the end of the following line, namely a missing comma between the variable and the string in $amp"key=".

let $map-url := concat("https://maps.googleapis.com/api/staticmap?center=",$latitude,",",
        $longitude, $amp, "zoom=18", $amp, "size=400x400", $amp, "markers=color:blue|",
        $latitude,",",$longitude, $amp"key=",$gmap-api-key)

Everything else seems to be syntactically correct.

If eXide does not support the syntax $array?* for getting all entries of an array, you can try rewriting it from

for $data in $x?table?rows?*


let $rows := $x?table?rows
for $i in 1 to array:size($rows)
let $data := $rows($i)