yii2 combine data from multiple queries in ActiveDataProvider

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Am trying to combine data from different queries into a single active record for the purpose of pagination

I have two different databases with similar table, that is


Now on db2


SO i have two models with different connections where first model connects to db1 and second to db2

class ProductsDb1 extends ActiveRecord{
   public static function getDb()
      return 'db1'

class ProductsDb2 extends ActiveRecord{
   public static function getDb()
      return 'db2'

SO now in my current query i have

$db1productsQuery = ProductsDb1::find()->where(...)
$db2productsQuery = ProductsDb2::find()->where(...);

On my ActiveDataProvider am passing my query like

     $data = new ActiveDataProvider([
          'query' => $db1productsQuery, //pass the dbproducts query
           'sort' => ['defaultOrder' => ['quantity' => SORT_DESC]],
            'pagination' => [
               'pageSize' => $arr['perPage'],
                  'page' => $arr['page']

As from the above i have to create multiple activeDataProviders for each query and return data separately. Is it possible to combine or add both queries to a single ActiveDataProvider rather than having to create each data provider for each query


There are 2 best solutions below


There are 3 options how to deal with this.

1) UNION across two DB

To do this, your both DBs must be on same server and your DB user must be granted privileges to access both DBs.

$query = ProductsDb1::find()
    ->select(['id', 'quantity', 'price']);
$subquery = (new \yii\db\Query())
    ->select(['id', 'quantity', 'price'])
$query->union($subquery, true);
$dp = new \yii\data\ActiveDataProvider([
    'query' => $query

2) ArrayDataProvider

You can use \yii\data\ArrayDataProvider instead of \yii\data\ActiveDataProvider.

$products1 = ProductsDb1::find()
    ->select(['id', 'quantity', 'price'])

$products2 = ProductsDb2::find()
    ->select(['id', 'quantity', 'price'])
$dp = new \yii\data\ArrayDataProvider([
    'allModels' => array_merge($products1, $products2),

3) Implement your own data provider

This option is most complicated. But if you dont match the limitation of first option and you have too many products to use second option you have to use this option. You can extend the \yii\data\ActiveDataProvider and override its prepareTotalCount() and prepareModels() methods to allow use of two queries.



There is one more option how to unite data for yii2 dataprovider. Using MySql VIEWS.

If two databases are located on the same mysql server, then it is possible to create one view for two tables from different databases.

CREATE VIEW union_products AS 
SELECT db1.id, db1.quantity, db1.price FROM db1.tbl_products as db1 
SELECT db2.id, db2.quantity, db2.price FROM db2.tbl_products as db2

You can add aliases to column names like db1.id as db1_id etc. Then create Active Record model with name matching the view name:

class UnionProducts extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    public static function getDb()
        // using connection "db2"
        return \Yii::$app->db2;  

    public static function tableName()
       return 'union_products';

And make a selection as from a separate table...

Remember that if you create a view inside the first database, then this connection must be used to access the view. You can create the same views in both databases.

For more information about MySql VIEWS please read https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/views.html

To show all views in mysql server run sql:

FROM information_schema.tables 

If needed delete view:

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS db1.your_view