Youtrack REST: setting default value for project custom field

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I am implementing a release mechanism for my application and want to couple it with my YouTrack using the REST API.

Upon the release I want to set the default value of 'Fix Version' for newly created issues to the bumped version.

The Fix Version is a project's custom filed. When I query for it via REST API i get

<projectCustomField name="Fix version" type="version[1]" emptyText="Unknown" canBeEmpty="true">
    <param name="bundle" value="MyProject Versions"/>

The documentation mentions just the way to change the name and an unset value text. I have tried POSTing the dafaultValue and dafault parameters, but with no effect. Is it's possible at all?


There are 1 best solutions below


I have contacted JetBrains, and apparently this functionality is, sadly, not there.