Adding MIME definitions to Trinidad

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I'm using the trinidad gem to host my jruby application.

However, any requests for .woff or .ttf font files are met with 400 Bad Request.

When I was jar-ing up my project with warbler and dumping the jar file in a regular Tomcat instance, I was able to add the MIME type definitions for those extensions in the web.xml.

However, I do not know how to do this for the instance of Tomcat that the trinidad gem uses, and the documentation doesn't appear to list it. It does mention specifying a web.xml file to use as a default for the web applications, but that appears to be the one that's placed in the WEB-INF folder and the server doesn't start when I put in Tomcat's conf/web.xml file for it.

I've also tried adding the following lines to config/initializers/mime_types.rb:

Mime::Type.register "application/x-font-woff", :woff
Mime::Type.register "application/octet-stream", :ttf

but this doesn't appear to affect the public folder (and I'd be surprised if it did...).

Where can I find how to do this?


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