Select results where joined table contains records with an attribute, but without another

156 Views Asked by At
Example.joins(another: :things).where(examples: {status: 'active'}, things: {status: 'required'}).where.not(things: {status: 'unwanted'})

The result from the query above is the same with or without the "where.not".

Things may have different statuses: 'required', 'unwanted' and many others. I must fetch Example records that contain at least one thing with 'required' status, but exclude records that contain one or more thing with 'unwanted' status.

Any help? Thanks!


There are 1 best solutions below


I can think of this problem to solve using 2 queries. Rails form will be helpful in this case.

another_ids = Example.from(Another.join(:things)
                     .where(status: [ 'required', 'indifferent'])
                     .select('status, distinct as another_id'), :x)


Example.where(another_id: another_ids).all

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