Advanced JPA Mapping with Compound keys - OneToMany relationship

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I am using JPA 1.0 and have following tables, namely, Type, Guide and Address (names simplified for clarity and highlighted in bold) It is a scenario, where in relationships between 3 tables is built on compound keys. Non key fields for every table are below the solid line.


Type One --------> Many Guide
Guide Many <---------- One Address


Code PK
Date1 PK


Code FK
Date1 FK

Addr Identifier FK

Date2 FK



Addr Identifier PK

Date2 PK

Postal Code

(Pardon the formatting issue above) I would like to start with Type table and unsing the compound key Code and Date1, get multiple rows (as a list) from Guide table. Then using Addr Identifier and Date2 from the row I want to get a single row in Address table. Please note these are reference tables and the data does not change, so there are no deletes or updates on any of these tables

I have tried this simple set of annotations that are returning empty list. (code is implified for clarity)


@Table(name = "Type")
public Class Type
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "type", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Guide> listGuide;

    getListGuide() {
        return listGuide;


@Table(name = "Guide")
public Class Guide

@JoinColumns({@JoinColumn(name = "Code"),
         @JoinColumn(name = "Date1") })
private Type type;

When I use getListGuide() I am getting an empty list.

Can you please suggest a solution?

I also need a mapping solution between Guide and Address entities.



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