Better optimization for RNOAA GSOM for loop

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This is a related question to this: Better way to optimize my code for getting NOAA climate data

But because of the different data set as well as a completely different 'for' loop format I think it's best to start a new question. Essentially I am trying to get data from NOAA's GSOM data set (particularly degree days, precipitation, temperature, all monthly averages). I need this data from 2005 to 2015 and have been using the rnoaa package to access and download the information.

So far the new loop is this:

options(noaakey = "your api code key here")
states<-ncdc_locs(locationcategoryid='ST', limit=52)
locat <- states$data$id[states$data$name=="Florida"]
month<-seq.Date(as.Date("2005/1/1"),as.Date("2015/12/31"), by="month" )
#### Precipitation
datatype <- "PRCP"
dataPRCP <- array(0,c(0,length(vmonth)+3))
colnames(dataPRCP) <- c("Station","Latitude", "Longitude", vmonth)
for (i in 1:length(vmonth)){ 
  my.query<-ncdc(datasetid='GSOM',datatypeid = datatype, locationid = location, startdate = vmonth[i], enddate = vmonth[i], limit = 1000)

  for (j in 1:length(my.query$data$value)){
    if(my.query$data$station[j] %in%  dataPRCP[,1]){
    } else {
      location <- ncdc_stations(stationid = my.query$data$station[j])
rownames(dataPRCP) <- c(1:length(dataPRCP[,1]))

I have previously been informed of other packages such as dplyer or purrr that can streamline and optimize 'for' loops but how would one optimize a more complicated 'for' loop like this (contained if/else) utilizing those packages or any other means?

One last thing I'd like to add is that when I run the loop I get a an error/warning of: In addition: Warning message: Error: (429) - This token has reached its temporary request limit of 5 per second.

This is because they only allow you to make 5 requests a second which means that potentially what I'm getting from rnoaa will be incomplete. Is there a way to add some sort of a time delay so that the loop does not run more than 5 times a second?



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