C GUI, with a C++ backbone?

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I have a simple (and also trivial) banking application that I wrote in C++. I'm on ubuntu so I'm using GNOME (GTK+). I was wondering if I could write all my GUI in C/GTK+ and then somehow link it to my C++ code. Is this even possible?

Note: I don't want to use Qt or GTKmm, so please don't offer those as answers.


There are 5 best solutions below


Yes, it's a very easy thing to do. All you have to do is expose some of the C++ functions as "extern C" so that the event handlers and callbacks in your UI code can call them.

In the case that you can't change the existing C++ source - no problem. just write a C++ shim for your UI, extern those functions, and call backend functions from there.


I don't see why not, with appropriate extern "C" usage so your C code can call into C++. Now, granted, you're probably making it a bit harder on yourself, but it's theoretically sound.


Like others propose you can write a C wrapper for your C++ library. But you can also write the front-end in C++, even if you only use the C subset. I can understand if you don't like the language mixing, but it is the easiest way, because you save the time to write the wrapper.


How about using wxWidgets instead?


You can just compile your GTK/C code as C++ without using GTKmm, and use the C++ code natively.

Most sane C libraries can be used from native C++ code, and GTK+ is fundamentaly a C library.