C++ Primer 5th Edition Chapter 16.5 Class-Template Specializations

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I think the book contains an error on page 711:

In § 16.2.3 (p. 684) we introduced the library remove_reference type. That template works through a series of specializations:

// original, most general template
template <class T> struct remove_reference {
    typedef T type;
// partial specializations that will be used fore lvalue and rvalue references
template <class T> struct remove_reference<T&> // lvalue references
    typedef T type;
template <class T> struct remove_reference<T&&> // rvalue references
    typedef T type;


int i;
// declyptype(42) is int, used the original template
remove_reference<decltype(42)>::type a;
// decltype(i) is int&, uses first(T&) partial specialization
remove_reference<decltype(i)>::type b;
// delctype(std::move(i)) is int&&, uses second (i.e., T&&) partial specialization
remove_reference<decltype(std::move(i))>::type c;

All three variables, a,b,and c, have type int.

I think decltype(i) yields a plain int and not int& therefore the most general template is used actually in case of b. For plain variable types [1] the decltype type specifier yields plain types and for other expressions which can be used as lvalue the it will yield and lvalue reference.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;

template <typename T> struct blubb {
    typedef T type;
    void print() { cout << "plain argument type\n"; }

template <typename T> struct blubb<T&> {
    typedef T type;
    void print() { cout << "lvalue reference type\n"; }

template <typename T> struct blubb<T&&> {
    typedef T type;
    void print() { cout << "rvalue reference type\n"; }

int main() {
    int i = 0;

    blubb<decltype(42)> plain;
    blubb<decltype(i)> lvalue_ref; // actually not!
    int* pi = &i;
    blubb<decltype(*pi)> lvalue_ref2; // expression which can be on the left hand side

    blubb<decltype(std::move(i))> rvalue_ref;

    return 0;

Compile and Run

g++ -o types types.cpp -Wall -pedantic -g && ./types
plain argument type
plain argument type
lvalue reference type
rvalue reference type

Please tell me if I'm right or wrong and explain if appropriate.
Thank you

[1] Probably the correct term is id-expression?


There are 1 best solutions below


Yes, for unparenthesized id-expression, decltype yields the type of entity named by the id-expression, then decltype(i) yields the type int.

  1. If the argument is an unparenthesized id-expression or an unparenthesized class member access expression, then decltype yields the type of the entity named by this expression.

On the other hand, decltype((i)) yields the type int&; (i) is treated as an lvalue expression.

  1. If the argument is any other expression of type T, and
    b) if the value category of expression is lvalue, then decltype yields T&;

Note that if the name of an object is parenthesized, it is treated as an ordinary lvalue expression, thus decltype(x) and decltype((x)) are often different types.