I am using the tutorial Chaincode for Developers and I am getting an error while running "docker-compose-simple.yaml" file.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
I am using the tutorial Chaincode for Developers and I am getting an error while running "docker-compose-simple.yaml" file.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
Have you checked the instructions mentioned in Hyperledger Fabric Samples like
If you are using Docker for Mac, you will need to use a location under /Users, /Volumes, /private, or /tmp. To use a different location, please consult the Docker documentation for file sharing.
I had some problem when I was using different directory.
The error occurs because you are using the latest version of Fabric (I assume that because you are reading the latest fabric.docs). Clone the 1.0.0-beta version, follow the instructions on 1.0.0-beta fabric docs and you'll be ok.