Check if a URL matches one of the patterns in a chrome extension manifest v3 content script "matches" field

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I have a chrome extension in which I'm using the chrome.runtime.onInstalled event to reinject my scripts when an update happens.

chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener((details) => {

Inside of installContentScript() I have the following code snippet that reinjects my scripts into iframes. Its working, but it throws errors because its naively trying to reinject my scripts into ALL iframes.

chrome.webNavigation.getAllFrames({ tabId: id }, (frames) => {
          for (const frame of frames) {
                    target: { tabId: id, frameIds: [frame.frameId] },
                    files: javaScripts,

So my question is, given a url, how can I check to see if that url matches one of the patterns defined in my manifest?

  "matches": ["*://*"], //<- this?
  "js": ["script.js"],
  "all_frames": true,
  "run_at": "document_idle"

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