**closed** How to create magento admin custom page with custom table Like Sales->Orders

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CLosed I can do it I mix code from 2 answer to make my page

I want to make special order page with My custom database table

Can I create New magento admin Page layout like this

I want layout like this page

I want to show

Orders OrdersDate CustomerID CustomerCompany SKU ProductName Qty, Total Status Action

and mydatabase table name is specialorder in Fields in table have

order_no PK (from product id)
order_item_number PK (to show in Orders)
creat_date (to show in OrdersDate)
Cusid (to show in CustomerID)
Cusname (to show in CustomerCompany)
sku (to show in SKU)
Productname (to show in ProductName )
qty (to show in Qty,)
total_price (to show in Total)
status (to show in Status)

data in table like this (order_no + order_item_no = pk)

1 1 date cusid cusname sku P.name price qty total status

2 1 date cusid cusname sku P.name price qty total status

2 2 date cusid cusname sku P.name price qty total status

How can I use this table to show in my custom admin page


There are 2 best solutions below


Follow the following steps to create module in admin panel with your custom table.

Create module in your local directory (app/code/local/Pfay/Test), Where test -> . Inside this structure create all these directories Helper,etc,Block,Model,Controllers

Lets start with etc create config.xml file in side this :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <!-- allow the plugin to read and write -->
                    <!-- connection to write -->
                    <!-- connection to read -->
             <!-- -/- -->
          <test translate="title" module="adminhtml">
             <title>Import XLS</title>
                       <title>Add product through XLS</title>

My table name is Pfay_test add your table name instead of this.

Now in controllers create directory Adminhtml inside this create create your controller IndexController.php

class Pfay_Test_Adminhtml_IndexController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
    protected function _initAction()
                ->_addBreadcrumb('test Manager','test Manager');
       return $this;
      public function indexAction()


where set_time is you menu name added in config.xml file.

Now move to you block section where you will create you Grid. Inside Block directory create Adminhtml > Grid.php

class Pfay_Test_Block_Adminhtml_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Container
    public function __construct()
     //where is the controller
     $this->_controller = 'adminhtml_test';
     $this->_blockGroup = 'test';
     //text in the admin header
     $this->_headerText = 'XLS file management';
     //value of the add button


Next create a directory Test > Grid.php

class Pfay_Test_Block_Adminhtml_Test_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
   public function __construct()
   protected function _prepareCollection()
      $collection = Mage::getModel('test/test')->getCollection();
      return parent::_prepareCollection();
   protected function _prepareColumns()
                    'header' => 'ID',
                    'align' =>'right',
                    'width' => '50px',
                    'index' => 'id_pfay_test',
                    'header' => 'nom',
                    'align' =>'left',
                    'index' => 'nom',
       $this->addColumn('prenom', array(
                    'header' => 'prenom',
                    'align' =>'left',
                    'index' => 'prenom',
        $this->addColumn('telephone', array(
                     'header' => 'telephone',
                     'align' =>'left',
                     'index' => 'telephone',
         return parent::_prepareColumns();
    public function getRowUrl($row)
         return $this->getUrl('*/*/edit', array('id' => $row->getId()));

Now move to your Model Inside Model create Test.php and Mysql4

In Test.php :

class Pfay_Test_Model_Test extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
     public function _construct()

Here (test/test) is Pfay_<modulename>_Model_<modulename> -> (<modulename>/<modulename>)

Now inside Pfay > Test > Model > Mysql4 folder create Test.php and Test

In Test.php :

class Pfay_Test_Model_Mysql4_Test extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract
     public function _construct()
         $this->_init('test/test', 'id_pfay_test');

Where id_pfay_test is unique key of your table.

Pfay >Test >Model >Mysql4 >Test > create a file Collection.php

class Pfay_Test_Model_Mysql4_Test_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Collection_Abstract
     public function _construct()

Final step inform magento about your module : create file Pfay_Test.xml in


<?xml version="1.0"?>


Note : Change Module name and package name according to you.

Feel free if you have any query regarding this.


Try using the built in Magento Grid. As to not duplicate content, try this: