Compose TV scrolling with D-PAD

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I have this code

    columns = StaggeredGridCells.Fixed(2),
    modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    contentPadding = PaddingValues(
        top = 16.dp,
        end = 12.dp,
        bottom = 16.dp,
    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp),
    verticalItemSpacing = 16.dp,
    userScrollEnabled = true,
) {
    item {
        data.moreInformationText?.let { morInformationText ->
                text = morInformationText,
                style = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium.copy(
                    color = Color(context.partnerTheme.themePrimaryTint0),

The problem is that scrolling with mouse is working but since this is a TV the scrolling with the D-pad doesn't work.

The moreinformationText is really long so we need to scroll that.

I've tried to use simply a

Column {
            text = data.moreInformationText!!,
            modifier = Modifier.verticalScroll(rememberScrollState())

Without any grid but still didn't work.


There are 1 best solutions below


On a TV, users primarily interact with D-PAD. Using D-PAD, you move focus from 1 item to another. Because your text is not focusable, D-PAD cannot move focus anywhere and hence nothing is scrolling. You probably want to add some focusable items on the screen like buttons, cards, etc. On a side note, displaying very long text on a TV is not a good UX. You should probably look for some alternative design.

If you still want to have long block of text, you can choose to do the following:

  1. Break down the text into smaller chunks and make each of the chunk a separate focusable Text component. Wrap it in a scrollable container.
LazyColumn {
  item {
    Text("Chunk 1", Modifider.focusable())
  item {
    Text("Chunk 2", Modifider.focusable())
  1. Make use of the onKeyEvent modifier to listen to key events on the long text block and using this, programmatically scroll the container as shown below.
fun App() {
    val someHugeText = (1..10000).joinToString(" ")
    val scrollAmount = 100f
    val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
    val cs = rememberCoroutineScope()

    fun scroll(reverse: Boolean = false) {
        cs.launch {
            scrollState.scrollBy(if (reverse) -scrollAmount else scrollAmount)

        modifier = Modifier
            .onKeyEvent {
                if (it.nativeKeyEvent.action == ACTION_DOWN) {
                    return@onKeyEvent KeyEventPropagation.ContinuePropagation
                if (it.nativeKeyEvent.keyCode == KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) {
                    return@onKeyEvent KeyEventPropagation.StopPropagation
                if (it.nativeKeyEvent.keyCode == KEYCODE_DPAD_UP) {
                    return@onKeyEvent KeyEventPropagation.StopPropagation
                return@onKeyEvent KeyEventPropagation.ContinuePropagation
            .clickable {
                println("Pikachu: scrollState value=${scrollState.value} maxValue=${scrollState.maxValue}")
    ) {
        Text(text = someHugeText)

internal object KeyEventPropagation {
    const val StopPropagation = true
    const val ContinuePropagation = false