Correct method for graphing programmatically created data with D3

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I'm working on an application where datasets have programmatically generated names and are frequently created and destroyed by users. I want to graph these datasets within the application using D3.js.

My datasets are stored like this:

Wavelength Transducer Output 1 Transducer Output 2 Transducer Output 3
1 19 21 23
3 23 20 21
5 33 23 19
7 33 24 45
etc.. etc.. etc.. etc..

Where wavelength should be mapped along the x axis, and magnitude mapped along the y axis, with an individual line for each set of magnitudes.

I'm struggling to get my head around how one should pass such data into D3.js. Each tutorial I read uses different data formats and different code. I have read the documentation, but it hasn't helped me much in learning how to format my data for D3 either.

What's the correct way to map these datasets onto a graph from within a script? At the moment I'm trying to use d3.csvParse(data), but am unsure where to go from there. I suspect I may be formatting my data awkwardly but am not sure.


There are 1 best solutions below


Writing up a quick answer to this just incase anyone else gets stuck where I did. Essentially I completely misunderstood how you're supposed to present data to in d3.

Here's a useful guide to understanding d3 data handling

Here's a useful guide on how to use that data once you have it structured correctly

Once I realised that I needed to create an array which represented every point I want drawn things got a lot easier. I created an object with three properties that described a single data point.

Each object has a wavelength, magnitude, and a name.

wavelength is the datapoint's position on the x axis, magnitude is its position on the y axis, and name allows me to differentiate between the different datasets.

let array = [
{name: "dataset 1", wavelength: 2, magnitude: 20}
{name: "dataset 1", wavelength: 3, magnitude: 22}
{name: "dataset 1", wavelength: 4, magnitude: 19}
{name: "dataset 2", wavelength: 2, magnitude: 14} //and so on...

From there I could map that onto my graph with

.attr("d", d3.line()
    .x(function(d) {return x(d.wavelength)})
    .y(function(d) {return y(d.magnitude)})
    .z(function(d) {return z(});

You can also group the data by name using and iterate through that through your data manually, drawing each line individually

Thanks @Alexander Nied and @Gerardo Furtado for nudging me back on track!