Delete Published Wiki

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I created a code wiki. Worked nicely. Decided to take a look at published wikis so added one and then found that it overrode the code wiki (wtf?) Then I discover that I can't go back (double wtf?)

Eventually, after much faffing about I found this:

Talk about a PITA, but it worked. This morning I look at the wiki again and the empty published wiki is back.

However, the above solution no longer works. Running "az devops wiki list" just shows the single codeWiki. No mention of the projectWiki and so, I have no repositoryId to call DELETE against.

So, two questions:

  1. How do I get back to the codeWiki?
  2. Has there been any indication of when MS are going to fix this ridiculous manual delete situation?

There are 1 best solutions below


You can select your wikis here: enter image description here You can refer to the document if you want to delete your wiki pages:

Code wiki:Edit, rename, or delete pages

enter image description here

Project wiki:Edit and delete wiki pages

enter image description here