Export dynamically created table from javascript to Excel

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I am working on a project that dynamically creates an html table with javascript. Once this table is created I need to be able to export it to excel through a button click. I have tried a few things already, but they haven't worked for me.

  1. I tried doing a simple export from javascript by creating the Active X object, but that setting is locked down in IE so our browsers will not work with Active X.

  2. I tried exporting to excel from a code behind function using the HttpContext class but since the table is created dynamically, the server doesn't see it.

  3. My final method, and I was sure that this was going to work, was I used AJAX via a pagemethod to export the table to excel. I was going to create an array of the table in javascript and pass it to the pagemethod. But before I got to this step, I created a pagemethod that exported a simpe "Test" file to excel. It worked as a method called from a button click, so I figured it would from a pagemethod as well. It didn't :( It runs and completes the pagemethod, but doesn't open excel or export anything. No errors and the success function is executed.

Here is the code:

Public Shared Function exportTable(ByVal title As String) As String
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename="TEST.xls")
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<?xml version='1.0'?>")
HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<ss:Workbook xmlns:ss='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'>")
HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<ss:Worksheet ss:Name='sheet1'>")
HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<ss:Cell><ss:Data ss:Type='String'>TEST</ss:Data></ss:Cell>")

Return 0
End Function

My page method call is:

function exportToExcel(title) {
PageMethods.exportTable(title, exportSuccess, exportFailure)

The exportSuccess function is a simple alert, which is firing. I take that to mean that the pageMethod is executing without errors, but that it can't open excel or ... something.

I eventually want to pass in an array and loop through it to add the rows and data. I've done this with a non dynamic table and it works. I'm also going to use the title to define the filename, but for testing reasons, I've named it TEST.xls.

I copied and pasted the HttpContext code into a button click event and it worked fine with a static table, so I don't think there are any problems with that. But I have been known to be wrong.

I guess my question is can a PageMethod export to excel or use the HttpContext class? Is there a better/easier way to do this?

Please keep in mind that I cannot use ActiveX objects and all customers are required to use IE.

Thanks for your help, and I'm sorry if this has already been covered. I searched but didn't find anything. If it has, could you please point me to the post?


There are 2 best solutions below


Well, I've buckled under pressure and decided to do it a different way. I think that ajax does not play well with response.write.

I created an asp:hiddenfield control. Then when the ajax was called to generate the table, I populated it's value with a pipe delimeted string representing the rows and columns of the table. So cell1|cell2||cell1|cell2||cell1|cell2.

Then I created an on_click method for a button and was able to use the same code from the function above. To populate the table I just replace the "TEST" by parsing the hiddenfield value.

I decided to post this just in case anyone else was having an issue with it.


If you send out the Excel MIME header, followed by an HTML table, EXCEL should load it as it it were a spreadsheet.