FEST: Wait for the GUI to load before doing anything

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    @Before public void setUp() {
        Robot robot = BasicRobot.robotWithCurrentAwtHierarchy();

        Pause.pause(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 
        frame = WindowFinder.findFrame("frame0").using(robot);

        JTableFixture table = frame.table(new GenericTypeMatcher<JTable>(JTable.class) {
             @Override protected boolean isMatching(JTable table) {
                return (table instanceof myTreeTable); 

This code works well. If we remove the 5 seconds pause, then the table is not found because it takes some seconds to the app to load it.

I would like to know if there is a cleaner way of doing it. I tried with robot.waitForIdle() after ApplicationLauncher (I guess once EDT is empty, everything is loaded), but it just doesn´t work.

I know pause can use some conditions as an event on when to stop, but I don´t understand how to write it since JavaDoc and official doc is poor.

  • Pause.pause(WaitForComponentToShowCondition.untilIsShowing(frame.component())) : I need a component, if I pass the wrapper frame it does not work. And I cannot pass the table because thats precisely what I am waiting for to get.
  • I understand then I should probably work with ComponentFoundCondition but I dont get it! I tired with:

           ComponentMatcher matcher = new GenericTypeMatcher<JTable>(JTable.class) {
               @Override protected boolean isMatching(JTable table) {
                 return (table instanceof myTreeTable); 
           Pause.pause(new ComponentFoundCondition("DebugMsg", frame.robot.finder(), matcher)); 

Any help?


There are 1 best solutions below


You could use ComponentFinder to locate the component. For example, based on the matcher in the question:

final ComponentMatcher matcher = new TypeMatcher(myTreeTable.class);

Pause.pause(new Condition("Waiting for myTreeTable") {
    public boolean test() {
        Collection<Component> list = 
                window.robot.finder().findAll(window.target, matcher);
        return list.size() > 0;
 }, 5000); 

Here is an alternative with lookup by name:

final ComponentMatcher nameMatcher = new ComponentMatcher(){
    public boolean matches(Component c) {
        return "ComponentName".equals(c.getName()) && c.isShowing();

Pause.pause(new Condition("Waiting") {
    public boolean test() {
        Collection<Component> list = 
                window.robot.finder().findAll(window.target, nameMatcher);
        return list.size() > 0;
 }, 5000);