Glassfish4 JMX Configuration using asadmin

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I have Glassfish4 and want make JMX to listen only to localhost and diable TLS and Security via asaadmin.

I can do the same via Admin Web UI, but not sure how to do that via asadim.

The below command updates the jmx-connecter property under admin-config but I need a similar change under default-config.

asadmin set

The above update the domain.xml under

   <config name="server-config">
  <admin-service system-jmx-connector-name="system" type="das-and-server">
        <jmx-connector address="localhost" port="8686" name="system" auth-realm-name="admin-realm" security-enabled="false">
          <ssl tls-enabled="false" classname="" client-auth="want" cert-nickname="server"></ssl>
        <property name="adminConsoleContextRoot" value="/admin"></property>
        <property name="adminConsoleDownloadLocation" value="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/admingui.war"></property>
        <property name="ipsRoot" value="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/.."></property>

I need to update values under default-config like this

    <config name="default-config">
      <admin-service system-jmx-connector-name="system">
            <jmx-connector address="localhost" port="${JMX_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_PORT}" name="system" auth-realm-name="admin-realm" security-enabled="false">
              <ssl ssl3-enabled="false" tls-enabled="false" classname="" client-auth="want" cert-nickname="glassfish-instance"></ssl>
            <property name="adminConsoleDownloadLocation" value="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/admingui.war"></property>

Please, guide me on how to do this via CLI using asadmin.

If this helps: Top update the same from the Admin UI --> Configurations --> default-config --> JMX Connector / SSL.



There are 1 best solutions below


After reading a lot, found out.

asadmin set configs.config.default-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system.address=localhost

asadmin set