how fix error with hunchentoot ssl acceptor on clozure common lisp?

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I tried to get an SSL version of hunchentoot running, on clozure common lisp 1.11.1 running on a MacBook Pro with OS 10.13.6

I started by creating certificates in the /tmp directory, as follows:

openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out server.crt -keyout server.key

Here is my lisp code:

(ql:quickload "hunchentoot")

(in-package hunchentoot)

(define-easy-handler (test-ssl :uri "/secure") ()
  (setf (content-type*) "text/plain")

(defvar *ssl-acceptor*
  (make-instance 'easy-ssl-acceptor
    :port 7777
    :ssl-privatekey-file  #P"/tmp/server.key"
    :ssl-certificate-file #P"/tmp/server.crt"))

(start *ssl-acceptor*)

When I try to access https://localhost:7777/secure from my browser, nothing shows up on the browser, and hunchentoot throws the following error to the log window:

enter image description here

Unhandled execption 11, Exception occurred while executing foreign code

Any suggestions for how to fix this?


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