How to continue case analysis of a nested match in coq?

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I recently got a goal from coq (Actually I get this goal from case analysis):

1 goal (ID 110)
  addr : nat
  x : State
  l : list nat
  Heqo : write_list_index (repeat 0 (addr + 1)) addr 0 = Some l
    match write_list_index (repeat 0 (addr + 1)) addr 0 with
    | Some l' => Some (0 :: l')
    | None => None
  | Some stack' => Success (update_stack stack' (access_fault_handler (S addr) init_state))
  | None => Failure (access_fault_handler (S addr) init_state)
  end <> Failure x

This should be true, however, I cannot continue this proof since I use simpl tactic it doesn't change, moreover, I also cannot rewrite Heqo, because it doesn't change, too.

How can I continue this proof? Thanks!

Update: I have simplify my project and get the following code:

Require Import Nat.
Require Import List.
Require Import Bool.
Import ListNotations.

Definition address := nat.
Definition variable := nat.

Record State: Set :=
  mkState {
    stack: list variable;

Inductive instruction: Set :=
| WriteToStack (addr: address) (value: variable).

Inductive insr_result: Set :=
| Success (state: State)
| Failure (state: State).

Definition has_access (addr: address) (state: State): bool :=
  match compare addr (length state.(stack)) with
  | Lt => true
  | _ => false

Fixpoint write_list_index {A: Type} (l: list A) (index: nat) (value: A)
  : option (list A) :=
  match l with
  | nil => None
  | h :: t => match index with
            | O => Some (value :: t)
            | S n => match (write_list_index t n value) with
                    | None => None
                    | Some l' => Some (h :: l')

Definition update_stack (stack': list variable) (state: State): State :=
    stack := stack';

Definition write_to_stack (addr: address) (value: variable) (state: State)
  (afh: address -> State -> State): insr_result :=
  if has_access addr state then
    match write_list_index state.(stack) addr value with
    | None => Failure state
    | Some stack' => Success (update_stack stack' state)
    let state := afh addr state in
    match write_list_index state.(stack) addr value with
    | None => Failure state
    | Some stack' => Success (update_stack stack' state)

Definition eval_insr (insr: instruction) (state: State) (afh: address -> State -> State): insr_result :=
  match insr with
  | WriteToStack addr value => write_to_stack addr value state afh

Definition access_fault_handler (addr: address) (state: State): State :=
  if addr <? length state.(stack) then
    let frame_size := addr - length state.(stack)+ 1 in
    {| stack := state.(stack) ++ (repeat 0 frame_size) |}.

Definition init_state: State := {| stack := nil; |}.

Theorem write_to_stack_never_fails: forall addr x, eval_insr (WriteToStack addr 0) init_state access_fault_handler <> Failure x.
  unfold write_to_stack. simpl.
  destruct addr.
  - simpl. unfold not. intros. inversion H.
  - simpl. destruct (write_list_index (repeat 0 (addr + 1)) addr 0) eqn:?.
    + (* Stuck *)

There are 1 best solutions below

  1. Looking at your goal in Printing All mode, you may notice that it's enough to replace in the implicit argument variable with nat.
Set Printing All. 
unfold variable in *; rewrite Heqo. discriminate. 
Unset Printing All. 
  1. In order to solve the remaining subgoal, you may first prove some lemma about write_list_index which may imply that Heqo leads to a contradiction.
Lemma L addr : 
  exists i, write_list_index (repeat 0 (addr + 1)) addr 0 = Some i.