How to properly create an instance of AnnotatedControllerConfigurer

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I'm trying to define a configuration to create an ExecutionGraphQlService to wire into an existing application as a proof of concept, but I'm a bit confused about how to create an instance of a AnnotatedControllerConfigurer. Here is what I currently have settled upon.

AnnotatedControllerConfigurer annotatedControllerConfigurer = new AnnotatedControllerConfigurer();


AnnotatedControllerConfigurer implements ApplicationContextAware, InitializingBean so it seems to expect to be initialized as a bean, but attempts to autowire an instance of it fail due to Could not autowire. No beans of 'AnnotatedControllerConfigurer' type found. I've attempted constructor injection public ExecutionGraphQlService defaultExecutionGraphQlService(AnnotatedControllerConfigurer annotatedControllerConfigurer) as well as manual instantiation autowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireBean(annotatedControllerConfigurer) (which should be basically the same thing).

It seems like this class is not a bean, but expects to be managed by Spring's bean lifecycle? Is my approach the expected approach?


There are 1 best solutions below


The AnnotatedControllerConfigurer type is meant to be a bean in the Spring container, and is using the bean lifecycle to setup the infrastructure.

Creating it as a bean (given other pieces are contributed as beans as well). The runtime wiring should be configured on the GraphQlSource directly.

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
class GraphQlConfiguration {

  public AnnotatedControllerConfigurer annotatedControllerConfigurer() {
    return new AnnotatedControllerConfigurer();
