I have problem, I cannot the fix bug with scalar-valued function. I have next function:
(@list varchar(max))
returns float
declare @Median float
select @Median = (
convert(float,(SELECT MAX(value) FROM
(SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT value from split(@list,',') order by value) BottomHalf))
convert(float,(SELECT MIN(value) FROM
(SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT value from split(@list,',') order by value DESC) TopHalf))
) / 2
option (maxrecursion 0)
return (ROUND (@Median ,2))
In the response, I get for example: 1.155.
when I add return (ROUND (1.155 ,2))
I get 1.15 but I need 1.16. I try add ROUND(CAST ( 1.155 AS float ),2)
but it not helped me
Presumably, your return value is more like 1.154999999. This will round down. If you need to still get 1.16, then try declaring
to have three decimal places:I question whether this is what you really need. But here is a SQL Fiddle.