How to set x:Name with FrameworkElementFactory in WPF?

687 Views Asked by At

I am creating a Datatemplate in code that is retrieved by a Datatemplate selector. I can not create the datatemplate in xaml due to some business rules. I am using Devexpress' PropertyGridControl with customs Property Definitions.

The datatemplate is overriding the PropertyDefinition's CellTemplate, therefore the control inside the template must have x:Name = "PART_Editor". The control inside the datatemplate is a TrackBarEdit, but it could be any editor control.

Here is the code for my template builder:

private DataTemplate BuildTemplate()
        var trackbarFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(MyTrackBar));
        trackbarFactory.SetValue(RangeBaseEdit.MaximumProperty, 5.0);
        var trackbarTemplate = new DataTemplate
            VisualTree = trackbarFactory

        var propDefinitionFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(PropertyDefinition));
        propDefinitionFactory.SetBinding(PropertyDefinitionBase.PathProperty,new Binding(nameof(PropertyStore.Name)));
        propDefinitionFactory.SetBinding(PropertyDefinitionBase.IsReadOnlyProperty,new Binding("Metadata.ForceReadOnly"));
        var propDefinitionTemplate = new DataTemplate
            VisualTree = propDefinitionFactory

        return propDefinitionTemplate;

The control renders properly with all the bindings, but I can not figure out how to set x:Name through the frameworkElementFactory. I have tried to set FrameworkElement.NameProperty and even to inherit TrackbarEdit to create a new DependencyProperty mapped to x:Name via RuntimeNamePropertyAttribute but it does not work.

As a consequence the editor rendered does not update the bound property's value.


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