How to speed up conversion of lat-long to a SqlGeometry?

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I have this code, it takes the geometry of countries and also a set of points, and then it only returns the points within those countries :

public static IEnumerable<Point> RemovePointsOutsideBorders(IEnumerable<Point> points, IEnumerable<Country> countries)
    var cc = new List<Point>();

    var SPAT_REF_ID = 4326;
    foreach (var p in points)
            var validText = new SqlChars(new SqlString(string.Format("POINT({0} {1})", p.Longitude, p.Latitude)));
            var geoPoint = SqlGeometry.STPointFromText(validText, SPAT_REF_ID);

        foreach (var c in countries)

    return cc;

Current its quite slow, there are about 4000 points, with double lat/long values, the conversion from that into a SqlGeometry is slow (takes about 25 seconds -- I need this to be perhaps down to a second or two):

var s = new SqlChars(new SqlString(string.Format("POINT({0} {1})", p.Longitude, p.Latitude)));
var pGeo = SqlGeometry.STPointFromText(s, SPAT_REF_ID);

This is only done because the SqlGeometry.Point takes x,y instead of lat,long ... any tips on how can I speed this up?

I already know the SqlGeometry (c.Polygon) could be reduced to speed up things, however I am unable to control that. What I am after is a way to speed up the conversion from lat/long to SqlGeometry point.


There are 1 best solutions below


This is the solution I came up with in the end, it does the whole thing in half a second :

public static IEnumerable<Point> RemovePointsOutsideBorders(IEnumerable<Point> points, IEnumerable<Country> countries)
    // join all the country polygons into one (make a stamp)
    var allCountryPolygon = countries.Select(x => x.Polygon).UnionAll();

    // make a single geometry shape from our evenly spaced extent points (cookie dough)
    var pointsGeo = PointsToGeometry(points);

    // do an intersect (stamp country shape over extent based geometry)
    var cookieOfPoints = pointsGeo.STIntersection(allCountryPolygon);

    // how many points left inside? pick them all back out
    for (int n = 1; n <= cookieOfPoints.STNumPoints(); n++)
        var insidePoint = cookieOfPoints.STPointN(n);
        yield return new Point
            Longitude = insidePoint.STX.Value,
            Latitude = insidePoint.STY.Value

public static SqlGeometry PointsToGeometry(IEnumerable<Point> points)
    var bld = new SqlGeometryBuilder();

    foreach (var p in points)
        bld.BeginFigure(p.Longitude, p.Latitude);

    return bld.ConstructedGeometry;

public static class ExtensionMethods
    /// <summary>
    /// Joins many geometries into one
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="geometries">geometries to join</param>
    /// <returns>composite geometry</returns>
    public static SqlGeometry UnionAll(this IEnumerable<SqlGeometry> geometries)
        var compositeGeometry = geometries.First();
        foreach (var g in geometries.Skip(1))
            compositeGeometry = compositeGeometry.STUnion(g);
        return compositeGeometry;